understand and better manage stress

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We all face stress in our lives. Sometimes the stress is more acute or is sustained for long periods of time, and each person must manage however they can. 

Did you know that there are negative and positive forms of stress?

That´s right, when stress motivates us to focus and carry out tasks to benefit from the results, we can usually then relax and consider that we have successfully used the energy that stress has provided us.

This type of stress is called eustress.

On the other hand, acute, prolonged or accumulative stress can surpass our capacity and cause us harm.

And technically this is known as distress

Distress exposes your body to too much cortisol and harms your cardiovascular and immunological systems.

Due to this, chronic stress is associated with high rates of symptoms and syndromes that compromise your health and well being.

This can sometimes turn into a destructive pattern if left unattended.

Thankfully, people naturally have coping strategies and mechanisms as well as the capacity to cultivate new habits or improve their ways to handle stress.

Some strategies like exercise and meditation are healthier and more adaptive.

Others such as excess drinking and eating or substance abuse can get out of control and cause even greater harm.

For this reason, it is a good idea to check our coping strategies, and be very clear as to when and how to resort to them for our greater benefit.

In this light, I want to with you a concept that will allow you to understand this in very intuitive manner.

Some years ago a great teacher shared with me the acronym PAP, and the idea that there is positive PAP and negative PAP.

The acronym PAP stands for:





Positive PAP is composed of the people, activities and places that make us feel well.

And, you guessed it, negative PAP comprises people, activities and places that don´t make us feel well.

Paying attention to these details in your life makes it easier to determine and resort to strategies for handling stress in constructive ways when you need to.

The more attention you pay to feeling well, the more sensitive you become to the feeling, and the better prepared you become to affront acute or prolonged stress in your life.


With this in mind, and adding complementary elements, we bring you taylor made audio guided relaxation experiences, stress management techniques, breathing exercises, guided breathwork and visualizations.


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